Changes in the European Scout Committee – WOSM Regional Circular 32 2014


The European Scout Region, in conformity with Art IV 2c of its constitution, is pleased to announce the co-opting with immediate effect of Kevin Camilleri, from Malta, as member of the European Scout Committee.

This appointment was necessary following the most recent resignation of Daggi Elehu, who had been elected member of the European Scout Committee at the European Scout Conference in August 2013. Changes in the nature of Daggi’s employment and fewer opportunities to fulfil his role as member of the Committee in the way he had envisaged had resulted in his decision to step down.

The European Scout Region thanks Daggi for his commitment and enthusiasm demonstrated during the last 15 months and wishes Kevin all the best in his new role. An annex to the Regional Circular illustrates subsequent changes in the ways of working of the European Scout Region.

WOSM Regional Circular 32 2014 (English, French)
ANNEX Regional Circular 32 2014: Ways of Working in the European Scout Region (English only)