North-South Network Meeting 2013


The next meeting of the North-South Network is scheduled for October 18th to 20th, 2013, in Madrid. ASDE will host it in Madrid at the Complejo Residencial Fray Luis de León (Madrid, Spain). The Troika Team (NSOs organizers) is compound of the previous and next host organizations.

In this case, the members of the Troika come from the Mouvement Scout de Suisse (MSdS), the Suomen Partiolaiset (The Guides and Scouts of Finland) and ASDE-Scouts de España.

On behalf of this Host Committee, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in this meeting and to share your experiences on the North-South relationships in Scouting and Guiding.

Read more in the Invitation Letter and register by submitting the form

Invitation Letter (English)

Application Form (English)