Tag Archives: #CommunityLinks

Regional Circular 25 2015 – Invitation: Partnerships Event 2016

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Scouting Ireland and the European Region of WOSM, on behalf of The Partnerships Network and in cooperation with their troika, are pleased to invite you and your partner organisations to the “Community Links” Partnerships Event, which will be held in Gormanston, Ireland, between 10 and 13 March 2016.

This meeting is organised by The Partnerships Network, a coalition of Scout and Guide Organisations, which aims at fostering, strengthening and developing new partnerships between associations in Europe and associations from other regions of the world. The overall idea of the network is to share and create information about on-going partnerships, as well as to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge. A continuous reflection on the relevance of partnerships, as well as the promotion of inter-cultural understanding and mutual respect are central elements of the Partnership Network.

Mark the date in your calendar and check our Regional Circular 25 2015 (in English or French) for more details!