Supporting Diversity in Scouting and Guiding

Participants of the Overture Network Meeting 2012

32 Scouts and Guides from 19 Scouting and Guiding Associations working with young people with disabilities or with young people with a migrant background from all over Europe met between 4 and 6 of May 2012 in Malta for the Ouverture Network Meeting in Malta.

A balanced programme spanning from presentations of best practices in terms of diversity and reaching out in scouting and guiding to workshops and discussions around increasing the accessibility of the activities offered, from the integration of diversity and inclusion in the educational approach to new developments in these fields, this meeting successfully proved the contribution of Scouting and Guiding towards society.

Sporting activities together with the Maltese Special Olympics team

The participants to the meeting took part in sporting activities together with the Maltese Special Olympics team and joined the  Annual Maltese Scout and Guide Parade that took place on Sunday, the 6th of May.

The meeting was hosted by the Scout and Guide Association’s of Malta through a succesfull Youth in Action Grant received at national level and was organised by the Ouverture Network.

The Ouverture Network is an independent and informal network
( that encourages Guide and Scout associations in the Europe to open up the associations for young people originating from ethnic and other minority groups, as well as to encourage guiding and scouting for youth with disabilities. The participation of children and youth with different backgrounds is based on the principle that Guiding and Scouting is open to all people.