Regional Circular 35 2014 – Call to Host the European Scout Symposium 2015


The European Scout Symposium is an important event in the life of the European Scout Region when it looks back on what was achieved in the triennium, on what is hoped to be achieved by the end of the triennium, on what needs to change and on what will be done in future triennia. The European Scout Symposium 2015 will help set the agenda for work leading to the development of the Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019.

In order to maximise the time before the next European Scout Conference (June 2016 in Norway) and taking into account existing commitments, the event is planned to take place between 3 and 6 December 2015.

National Scout Associations and National Scout Organisations are invited to bid to host the European Scout Sysmposium 2015 and to submit relevant documentation no later than 23 January 2015.

For more details:

Regional Circular 35 2014 – Call to host the European Scout Symposium 2015 (in English and French)
Regional Circular 35 2014 – Annex: Basic requirements to host the European Scout Symposium (in English and French)
Event information on this website