“By the Way” – The Roverway 2016 Newsletter (Issue 2, April 2015)

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Only sixteen months left before the grand opening of Roverway 2016, the main event for the senior age sections of Guide and Scout Associations in the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM.

Find out more about this event in issue 2 (april 2015) of “By the Way”, The Roverway 2016 Newsletter:
By the Way, Issue 2, April 2015 (English)
By the Way, Issue 2, April 2015 (French)

And don’t forget to follow regular updates on The Roverway 2016 Website as well as Facebook and Twitter!
By the way: the agreed hashtags for this event are: #SurLaRoute, #OnTheRoad, and #rw16